Deliverable | Title | Document |
D2.1 | Stakeholders Mapping /Skills ecosystems creation | D2.1.pdf |
D2.2 | State of the art in the Smart electricity for Buildings | D2.2.pdf |
D2.3 | Competences and Skills Gap | D2.3.pdf |
D2.4 | SEBCoVE collaboration platform | D2.4.pdf |
D6.1 | Quality Management Procedures (QMP) | D6.1.pdf |
D7.2 | Skills Trends and Future Skills Gap | D7.2.pdf |
D8.1 | Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan [CONFIDENTIAL] | |
D8.2 | SEBCoVE Visual Identity [CONFIDENTIAL] | |
D8.3 | SEBCoVE website [CONFIDENTIAL] |